Chapter 315 Boyer_1


The three-tailed demon fox, Chiyuan, flashed her beautiful eyes and stealthily sent a sound transmission.

"Brother Moyu..."

"Sister Chiyuan, rest assured."

Moyu was overjoyed and immediately snorted coldly, "Qiyu Sect is far too arrogant. We have traveled thousands of miles to assist, yet the Qiyu Swordsman refuses even to meet us. It seems their reputation as one of the great sects of Yue Country is deserved. Perhaps it would be best for us to report back to our king and return to Demon Country."

"Brother Moyu, please, calm your anger!"

Li Qingyun and the surrounding Qiyu Sect foundation-building cultivators changed their expressions and, feeling panic-stricken, repeatedly apologized.

Ever since the cultivators from Demon Country had arrived, the death toll among their sect's foundation builders had markedly decreased, and they did not wish to return to the harrowing days of the past.

In their hearts, resentment grew.