Chapter 316: Barbarians Fear Authority but Lack Gratitude_1

"Sword, Sword Boy..."

In her fear, Princess Chiyuan barely managed to regain her composure, revealing a smile, "Hei Bao was just joking with you, did you not take it too seriously with your response?"

"Humans, my prestigious Demon Country!"

General Moyu growled angrily, wanting to say something.

However, meeting a pair of cold eyes, he choked back his words, feeling a chill in his heart.

"How about I make a joke with you then?"

Jiang Ding smiled, a wisp of light blue sword light lingering near his fingers.

"Junior Uncle, please calm your anger!"

Li Qingyun's complexion changed, showing a terrified expression, stepping in front of Princess Chiyuan, "The Demon Country is a cherished friend of our sect, and the princess is an honored guest; there must be no mishaps!"

Jiang Ding did not respond to him but continued to look at this so-called princess of the Demon Country.

"Sword Boy, it was our fault."