Chapter 100: The Bloodthirsty Technique! Bai Jingqi who doesn't care about his life!

A few moments later.

Lord Iron Axe and the demi-humans caught up to the battlefield.

Unfortunately, there was not a single person left standing on the entire battlefield!

Those tribesmen who had stayed behind in the temporary camp to protect Star Sand had all been killed.

Even the followers of Star Sand, warriors from their demi-human tribe, one by one lay fallen on the ground, lifeless.

"My Lord!"

"Lord Iron Axe!"

"Everyone has fallen…"

"Lord Iron Axe…"


Lord Iron Axe roared in anger and gritted his teeth: "Star Sand! Where's Star Sand!"

"Search quickly!"

"Star Sand~!"

"Over there!"

Lord Iron Axe charged towards the rock behind, but all he saw was the body of Star Sand's magical pet, the Gale Demon Wolf.

But there was no sign of Star Sand anywhere.

"Star Sand!"

"Where is Star Sand!"

"Search quickly!"

One of the subordinates suggested, "Lord Iron Axe, maybe Star Sand was taken captive by the humans!"

"Yes, that's very likely!"