Chapter 148: The Mutation of Blood Poison! The Terrifying Attribute!

"Terence! Madam Freya has sent word that the night guards in Xia Country have refused our protest!"

Joseph swiftly entered the basement of a mansion, speaking to Terence who was working out at the moment.


Surprised, Terence said, "Didn't the message indicate the objection was from us, the little white horses? They actually refused our proposition!"

Joseph shook his head, "Little white horses? So what? This is Xia Country after all, not Eagle Nation."

"Damn it..."

Grinding his teeth, Terence even left a handprint on the dumbbell he was gripping.

"So what do we do now?"

"Without banning that cursed Zheng Cheng from using the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Eruption Technique, I stand no chance against him!"

"God! What a revolting skill!"

Joseph shook his head, "Every year there are newly awakened professionists who obtain all sorts of bizarre skills. I've even heard about a professionist whose skill allows them to absorb luck!"