Chapter 150: The Summoner's Battle! Defeat You in the Way You're Best At!


As the first round of the competition officially began, on a high platform within the Professionist Guild, more than ten figures were either sitting or standing, looking over at the contestants on the stage not far away.

The figure seated at the very forefront, if Zheng Cheng were here, he would definitely recognize.

Shen Nanfeng!

The Director of the Night Watch of Chang'an City.

As the Director of the Night Watch, Shen Nanfeng held a very special status and position.

Besides being the Director, he also held the position of Deputy City Defense of Chang'an City.

Even in the military, he held a high position.

Standing behind him was Zhao Yunxiao, her beautiful eyes fixed firmly on the stage.

Next to the two of them sat a middle-aged man dressed in military uniform.

The hearty laughter just now came from him.

"Old Shen, your Night Watch's achievements this year are really impressive, you've claimed three places in the top ten in one swoop."