Chapter 186: Cui Xiabing's Invitation! Another Bet?


Zheng Cheng was somewhat taken aback. Are girls nowadays so bold?

If he remembered correctly, the girl in front of him, Zhang Yingxin, was a seven-star Holy Light Priest.

If she were to grow to an epic or legendary level, she could master a heaven-defying skill like "Revival".

Who would have thought, she's so naive?

Behind her, four or five other girls were huddled together, looking excitedly in their direction and whispering something.

"Wow! Zhang Yingxin really went, she's got guts!"

"Do you think she'll succeed?"

"I guess so, Zhixue is so cute..."

"We're not going to lose our bet, are we...?"

Hearing the whispers nearby, Zheng Cheng hesitated, "Isn't this somewhat inappropriate...?"

As he spoke, he took out his phone.

"What's there to be afraid of? We're classmates, and we both have supportive professions. If we have any problems with our studies in the future, we can learn from each other..."


With a crisp sound, they both added each other as friends.