Chapter 211: Protective Characteristics! Investigate the Black Mist!

"Arrow tower construction blueprint, what a shame that we don't have enough resources!"

Zheng Cheng put it away and murmured, "Besides, with me here, these black-skinned larvae pose no threat at all. There's no rush to build."

"The priority now is to upgrade the home level and increase the population limit!"

The second wave of attack left Zheng Cheng with 78 units of iron ore, 7 units of life crystals, and 2 units of space crystals.

We have enough iron ore. What we still lack are space crystals!

Over another hour later, Zhang San and others had collected over a hundred units of wood. The third wave of attack arrived again.

This attack shockingly saw the appearance of the elite units of the black-skinned larvae!

Four black-skinned larvae, half a person's height tall, with iron armor growing out of their heads.

Unfortunately... for Zheng Cheng, they posed no threat at all.

In just over ten minutes, he wiped out all the attacking black-skinned larvae!