Chapter 218: Three Corpses Nine Worms! The Race Nemesis?

Three Corpses Nine Worms!

This sinister surge descended upon the Mantis Shura. At first, it didn't feel anything and continued to dodge the incoming arrows.

However, its gaze was already fixed on the crowd on the ground.

Damned Human Race!

As long as it could survive this rain of arrows, it would have the opportunity to rush to the humans.

There were only around thirty of them. Given the chance to brandish its blade, it was confident it could wipe them out in ten seconds.

Spare none!

However, at that moment, it suddenly felt a severe pain in its stomach, a feeling of weakness quickly spreading throughout its body.

At the same time, it could clearly feel that countless small bugs seemed to be spawning within its body, continuously climbing upwards.


It shrieked involuntarily, its movement suddenly ceasing.

Right at that moment, an arrow arrived at the perfect time, immediately piercing its abdomen!
