Chapter 294 Level Surge! New Realm Breaking Task!_1

In the darkness of night, the slaughter continued!

The Hyena Men infected and the normal Jackal Werewolves were still fighting fiercely together, and the battlefield was rapidly expanding in other directions.


"Hold them off! Hold them off quickly!"

"Priests! Where are the priests? Damn it, heal me now!"

"Dammit, everyone hold on! The distress signal has been sent! Other scouting camps will come to support us soon..."


At Camp 69, the battle raged on.

More than two hours earlier, a large force of Jackal Werewolves had suddenly surrounded them and launched an attack.

The teams that were wandering outside the camp were instantly wiped out, and the rest retreated inside the camp.

Almost everyone knew the ferocity of the Jackal Werewolves, so each person fought desperately for their life, without daring to slack off.

With the assistance of the military forces guarding the camp, they held on with great difficulty.