Chapter 326: Nine-Headed Snake! Temporary Alliance?_1

"Foreign creatures, how dare you disturb the slumber of our god... all of you shall die!"

The Nine-Headed Hydra roared fiercely.

Nine vertical pupils, all filled with malice and murderous intent.

The language of its roar was that of the Charm Clan, incomprehensible to everyone present.


Somehow, almost everyone could understand the meaning of its roar.

"A Nine-Headed Hydra! Damn it, how could there be such a creature here?"

"Kill it quickly!"

"LV90? How is that possible! It's a Legendary Level creature! A Legendary Level creature, for God's sake..."

"No! That's not right! It's not a true Legendary Level creature, it lacks the power of a Domain, it's just housed in the skin of a Legendary Level creature!"

"Cultivated over ten thousand years... It's a Charming Beast formed by the soul fusion of countless dead Charm Clan members! Block it...!"


With a mad roar, the enormous Nine-Headed Hydra shot up into the sky, its length at least a hundred zhang.