Chapter 344: Did She Sleep with You? A New Mutant Ability!_1

Early the next morning, Zheng Cheng walked out of the Church of Holy Light, supporting his back.

Squinting against the rising sun, he truly narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

As he looked at the people coming and going, Zheng Cheng felt as if he was in another world.

"Damn... I'm about to be done in, is that woman sure she's a Priest and not a Succubus?"

"All night, I swear I didn't get a wink of sleep, and if it weren't for the Adrenaline Excitement Technique, I really wouldn't have outlasted her..."

He opened his personal attribute panel to check, and discovered that he had only about ten points of spirit left, which made him bitterly smile.

"Damn, she just kept drawing it out, converting my spirit into Holy Light Fire for her to absorb, and after it got sucked dry, she used a Clarity Potion to recover and kept absorbing."

"It's true what they say, only overworked oxen, no overfarmed fields, the ancients did not deceive me indeed."