Chapter 343: The Goddess of Life? Appears in Holy Light._3

Song Zeqian retreated and proposed a compromise, "One night, how about just one night?"

"I just want to sense the power of Holy Light, let him stay with me for one night, and I will return him to you tomorrow, how about that?"

"Moreover… I can guarantee that a single night's time is definitely enough for him to break through to LV50."

"Even if his Soul Power has accumulated enough, he could soar straight to LV59!"

Zhao Yunxiao hesitated for a moment, then pulled Zheng Cheng back a few steps and whispered, "What do you think?"

Zheng Cheng also contemplated, "My Realm Breaking Task requires interaction with support professionals of nine different professions and races. I have already interacted with common Sacrificers, Pharmacists, and Priests, perhaps only Song senior is left."

"And she's so confident…"

Hearing this, Zhao Yunxiao also took a deep breath and said, "If that's the case, then you should stay."