Chapter 343: The Goddess of Life? Appears in Holy Light._2

Gazing at the charming woman before him, Zheng Cheng's eyes were also somewhat infatuated.

How should I put it, this woman was very dignified and holy, making one feel no desire to defile her.

But yet...

Her eyes were a rare peach blossom shape, filled with charm and seduction.

Plus, her slightly upturned lips made one at the bottom of their heart want to ravage and shred her mercilessly.

Not to mention, she was well-endowed, fully capable of enveloping Zheng Cheng.

Dignified, holy, charming, seductive, and even... lewd?

Her looks reminded Zheng Cheng of a female star from his previous life that he liked quite a bit... Liu Tao?

Mrs. White...?

Zheng Cheng quickly gathered his thoughts and said, "Song... senior, we should be meeting for the first time, right, how come..."

"Lu Mengmeng..."

Song Zeqian sized up Zheng Cheng with her beautiful eyes, noting that this was the first young man to recover so quickly from her passive charm ability.