Chapter 361 Skill Characteristics (There is a large amount of skill characteristic descriptions in this chapter, feel free to skip if uninterested)_3

[Effect 2: Causes significant damage to creatures with Evil Attribute, undead attribute, Dark attribute, etc., and burns their souls, rendering them incapable of resistance within a very short time, until they are completely consumed by the Holy Light Fire.]

[Effect 3: While burning, the Holy Light Fire can forcibly convert any other elemental energy into Holy Light Fire of the same attribute, and the longer the burning time, the greater the quantity and quality of the Holy Light Fire produced.]

[You have activated the Holy Light Fire feature 1!]

[Feature 1: Purification. While the Holy Light Fire burns, it can purify the target, driving out any alien energy in their body that doesn't belong to Holy Fire, and it can also remove alien emotions from their soul and mind, including but not limited to anger, fear, depression, bloodlust, and more.]
