Chapter 364: Nine-Day Operation! First Battle of the Hidden Dragon!_3

The half-beastmen of this tribe were innately savage, living in groups, and led a life of raw meat consumption and blood-drinking.

In the Chasm, they were also a race with formidable strength.


"Roar Roar!!"

Mad beastmen, like crazed lunatics, charged out of the darkness toward the bearman.

But the bearman remained undaunted, single-handedly launching a countercharge against the horde of mad beastmen.

In almost an instant, both sides clashed; with a flash of his claws, the bearman ripped the two leading mad beastmen in half.

Then, like a tiger plunging into a flock of sheep, his figure almost turned into a furious gale, tearing apart all the mad beastmen that rushed at him!

"Hahaha, the boss is awesome, what's to fear from these little mad beastmen?"

"Boss, keep it up! Wipe out this bunch of mad beastmen!"

"I remember the map, we're not far from Black Dragon Abyss, at most half a month's journey to reach it!"

"Less talking, keep killing!"