Chapter 367: The Doomed Harpie_1



"Squeak squeak squeak...!"

In the dark sky, a figure was constantly shifting position under the siege of dozens of harpies.

With twin blades in hand, fluttering up and down, from time to time harpies would be slashed apart and fall from the sky.

The illusion of void fire and the golden flames of Holy Light Fire burned alternately, easily reducing these harpies to ashes.

Regrettably, even so, the harpies fought to the death, unyielding, occasionally emitting shrill cries as they launched suicidal attacks at Zheng Cheng.

"Harpies? There are so many of these monsters in the chasm?!"

Zheng Cheng's figure abruptly came to a halt, as another swarm of harpies swooped down on him.

After locating Yao Zhixue's position, he had hurried over, flying low using Jerry's abilities in order to save time.

It was unknown how many hours had passed when suddenly he was attacked by a flock of harpies.