Chapter 389: Life Essence? Blue Temple!_1


"You don't know?"

This time it was Xu Qingluan's turn to be surprised.

"I only know about the Water of Life," Zheng Cheng shrugged. "We were trapped in the Spirit Charm Blessed Land for over a month, but more than three years have passed on Blue Star, and we haven't delved deeply into some of the basic cultural knowledge."

"I see," Xu Qingluan nodded. "Life Essence, ah... Do you know which tribe was the reigning race of the first layer of the Chasm in the extraterrestrial battlefield?"

"I know that," Zheng Cheng nodded. "I heard it was the Fallen Elves tribe, such as the Dark Elves who are good at hiding and worship Spider Queen Rosie. There's also the Blood Elves tribe that is skilled in manipulating blood energy, the Grey Elves tribe adept in shadow magic, the Naga tribe, and so on."
