Chapter 59 Luofeng Mountain Dao Debate Platform_1

"I have a family emergency, and I'm selling my entry ticket to the highest bidder!"

Upon hearing this, the crowd fell silent.

Then, there was a thunderous uproar.

"One hundred Spirit Stones, give me the ticket, young man!"

"One hundred? Brother, you're ripping the kid off, I bid one hundred and one!"

"Pah, a group of cheapskates. If only I hadn't come late, I bid one hundred and fifty, sell the ticket to me."

"Fellow Daoist, what about one hundred and sixty, that's not a small amount you know."

"I bid one hundred and seventy!"

"One hundred and eighty, I can't go any higher, kid, you'd better take what you can get, there are Yu Ding Sword Sect disciples watching."

At the center of the crowd, Luo Chen looked troubled.

"If it weren't for the family emergency, I really wouldn't want to miss this grand event. Sigh, well, one-eighty once, one-eighty twice, one hundred and..."

"Two hundred!"
