Chapter 60 Beginning of a Death Duel_1

As the dance ended, the whole audience erupted in applause!

Luo Chen was no exception, his hands turning red from clapping. This was Gu Caiyi, his sect's young lady!

He felt proud!

Murong Qinglian also applauded and smiled, "Caiyi's dance skills are getting better and better. Just a solo dance is so stunning. I'm afraid she'll surpass Lady Xiangxiang and become famous in The Great River District."

The rest of the audience was also full of praise.

Implementing technique into dance, the beautiful effects it brought about were hard to imagine.

For those cultivators who toil away at their cultivation every day, such an enchanting dance may not be something they would ever witness in their lifetime.

The white fog gradually dissipated.

Unknowingly, a figure had already taken the stage at the Dao Debate Platform.

He wore a golden robe, his stern face and piercing eyes projected majesty.