Chapter 107: Everyone is a Soldier, One Man Makes a Formation (Subscription Requested)_2

The only remaining escape route had turned into the initial direction he came from.

And in that direction was another Ninth Level Qi Refinement Cultivator.

However, before they could stand their ground, Luo Chen had already stopped in his tracks.

"Who said I was going to run?"

With heavy snowfall for many days, the small grove had turned into a white expanse.

As Luo Chen's face turned stern, he clapped his hands together.

The grove at the forefront seemed to come to life.

Snow fell in rustling sounds as numerous large vines sprung forth, spreading like snakes.

In an instant, the place seemed to have turned from a snow-covered grove into a green jungle teeming with deadly threats.

At this moment, this place had become Luo Chen's battlefield.

The ones in the forefront, their expressions radically changed, and they wanted to race toward the sky.