Chapter 107: All Grass and Trees are Soldiers, A Single Person Forms a Battle Formation (Seeking Subscriptions)_3

Luo Chen's face finally tightened, the Four Symbols Tripod was just capable of reaching ascendant-grade defense, that's it.

And this spear, it also clearly an ascendant-level magic tool.

Pulse racing, Luo Chen slapped his storage bag, and four or five talismans appeared in his hand, all defensive talismans.

Just as he was about to trigger them, his expression shifted, and he halted the triggering process.


The wind swept by, and with the loss of its thrust, the spear fell after the last golden tassel brushed it lightly.

Luo Chen reached out a hand and effortlessly caught the falling spear.

Looking up, he found Mi Shuhua, holding a seemingly lifeless body, looking at him with concern.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. But if you had been any later, you probably would have been collecting the bodies of Ol Zhou and Ol Liu."

Luo Chen gave a slight smile, and retreated the Four Symbols Tripod hovering above his head.