Chapter 119 Ming God's Divine Cleanse, I am the Hall Master (Seeking Subscription)_2

Speaking of the past, Wang Yuan's tone is filled with nostalgia.

"Within the devil's cave, after I killed him, I inherited his legacy, which included this Ming God's Divine Cleanse technique."

"At that time, I came to understand why a former senior, held in high regard, would become a demonic menace troubling the martial arts world in just a few short years."

"He discovered an Evil Qi Land and harnessed two Jiazi's worth of martial arts knowledge to create this martial technique called the Ming God's Divine Cleanse. He used the Evil Qi to refine his body, then the spirit, forcibly changing the path of martial arts to the path of immortality."

"However, it was precisely because he let Evil Qi enter his body, coupled with the physical decline of old age, that he lost his mind over years and fell into the path of the demon."

"The reason why I was able to embark on the path of cultivation is largely due to the benefits I received from that senior."