Chapter 119 Ming God's Divine Cleanse, I am the Hall Master (Seeking Subscription)_3



Luo Chen had underestimated the Ming God's Divine Cleanse technique.

At first, he did not realize it, but as his blood and qi became blocked, the sensation of piercing pain became more and more intense.

Moreover, this was just the first acupoint stimulation.

According to Wang Yuan, there would be thirty-five more to follow.

The stimulation of the Yinling Spring acupoint on the sole of the foot was the easiest one so far.

Thinking about the many acupoints waiting for him to stimulate one by one made Luo Chen's scalp tingle.

However, Luo Chen could understand why this cultivation technique was so demanding.

Whether it is Grandmasters of Martial Arts, or Immortal Cultivators, their physical bodies are already incredibly strong.

To make them feel pain, it was no longer something that ordinary external forces could accomplish. They could only find a way from within.

With each acupoint stimulation, a person's pain threshold would continually increase.