Chapter 127: Auction for Blood Ignition Pill and Eight-Hundred Year Heavenly Root (Request for Monthly Tickets)_1

Luo Chen had followed Mi Shuhua for quite a while now.

He had taken many things and learned a lot from him.

Among the things he learned was his valuable experience around auctions, which he willingly shared with Luo Chen and the others.

In dealing with an auction item, the first thing to consider was how important the item was to oneself, as well as whether it was a necessity.

Secondly, it was important to pay attention to the number of participants and assess the degree of difficulty of the auction.

Last but not least, one's financial strength was also a key factor to consider.

Although Luo Chen had merely five-thousand spirit stones and was not considered wealthy, compared to the starting bid for the Restoring Yang Water, he was relatively well off.

And although there were a significant number of participants at the auction, making the competition seem stiff, their bids were gradually increasing, with some even making laughably low additional offers of just one spirit stone.