Chapter 127: Auction for Blood Ignition Pill and Eight-Hundred Year Heavenly Root (Request for Monthly Votes)_2

Because of this, the price of the Technique Secret Manuals has always been very affordable.

Initially, when he bought the Five in One "Five Essential Techniques During the Qi Refinement Period" from Wang Yuan, it only cost him 200 Spirit Stones.

The truly expensive techniques were actually the modified versions sold by the Five Elements Divine Sect.

The reason Luo Chen spent 900 Spirit Stones on the Technique Secret Manual this time was mainly because of its grade.

This was a second-order fire type technique.

"Mountain Collapse"

"Why would a fire type technique have the name of an earth style technique?"

While Luo Chen was puzzled, the auction had already reached the final round of the host.

"Heaven and Earth Roots."

Luo Chen suddenly looked up!

On the mahogany table, there was something similar to a human tongue, lying there calmly.

Not only his, but everyone's gaze also fell there.

Tian Xingzi smiled slightly, "I believe that many friends have come here for it!"