Chapter 130: Cold Pool in the Canyon, Bingbo Cold Evil Qi (Seeking Subscription)_3

Last winter, during the battle at Changyin Mountain, the Grey Leaf Wolf suffered continuous defeats because it lacked the advantage of the right time and place and was completely suppressed by the Giant Frostwolf.

"It seems this place is the territory of the nearby Giant Frostwolves, and these osmanthus fruits formed by the Cold Osmanthus have been devoured by the Demon Wolves."

Feeling the nearby Demon Qi and the howling of Demon Wolves deep in the gorge, Luo Chen made a judgment.

His steps faltered slightly, Luo Chen was a bit hesitant about whether to continue forward.

A moment later, he was determined to move on.

Most of the Demon Wolves have already left Changyin Mountain, and even if some have remained in the den, they can't be too strong.

Moreover, he has the nearly perfect Grandmaster Level Qi Concealment Technique. As long as he is careful, he won't be found by the Demon Beasts.

And even if he is spotted.

No big deal, he could just run away!