Chapter 131 Brother Wang, You're Crazy (First Update, Request for Monthly Ticket) _1

"Luo Wudi actually died, was the battle that fierce?"

In the Pill Hall.

Luo Chen and Zeng Wen sat opposite each other. Seeing the other's weary state, he couldn't help but ask.

Zeng Wen sighed, still somewhat dazed, "I've never experienced anything like that, even struggling to sleep in fear, always ready to fight. During that time, it was like living in hell."

Seeing Luo Chen's curiosity, Zeng Wen briefly invigorated himself to describe the previous situation.

The area of the Golden Core relic was actually not that large and was only encompassed by the Heavenly Craft Qi Snatching Array.

Because of the small area, thousands of cultivators squeezed into it, making it easily possible for fierce conflicts to erupt over the discovery of a single Spirit Grass.

The three of them, who served as gatekeepers of the Battle Hall, were primarily responsible for fighting while simultaneously protecting the weaker cultivators from the Medicine Hall and Mining Hall.