Chapter 144: The Soul Refining Hermit, Path of Soul Foundation Establishment, A Road Never Considered Before_2

"I'm rich, I'm so rich!"

It was rare to see Duan Feng show such fervor.

Even during the previous night's battle, with him darting back and forth on the battlefield, he wasn't this excited.

Luo Chen seated himself next to him with a wearied expression on his face for the first time.

On the surface, the victory from last night seemed effortless. Alone, Luo Chen achieved immense success.

But in reality, the consumption he experienced was tremendous.

After all, he had used the Fire Tip Spear, Four Symbols Tripod, Soul Breaking Nail, Jade Sword, and even detonated the Jade Marrow Waste Bead.

All of these were methods that consumed a vast amount of Spirit Power.

Fortunately, Luo Chen was endowed with a strong foundation, his Spirit Power several times stronger than his peers of the same Order, and he had already achieved half of the Spirit Power's refinement.

In addition, he consumed Elixirs throughout the battle.

Otherwise, he would have collapsed long ago.