Chapter 144: Soul Refining Hermit, Path of Soul Foundation Establishment, an Unforeseen Path_3

However, it seems a bit unfitting for Gao Tingyuan's status.

Luo Chen muttered to himself, checking the other objects.

Three bottles of Dusting Pills, ten bottles of Qi Nurturing Pills, and even Jade Marrow Pills!

"Eh, isn't this Deficiency Repairing Meridian Fluid? Where did Gao Tingyuan get this from? It's not cheap."

This kind of Spirit medicine is often used by Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivators and typically starts at the cost of several hundred Spirit Stones.

Inside Gao Tingyuan's storage bag, there were two whole bottles.

Not only that, but there were three or four other kinds of pills relating to the meridians, dantian, and acupoints.

Looking at these pills, Luo Chen was thoughtful.

At the Dao Debate Platform previously, Gao Tingyuan's Dantian was injured, an event that occurred publicly.

If the Dantian is damaged, it implies hope for Foundation Establishment is lost.