Chapter 149: Blood Talisman Appears, I Need War! (First Update)_2

However, the rogue cultivators still didn't quite believe it.

Especially in The Great River District, where cultivators died from time to time, their bodies completely obliterated.

This only made the rogue cultivators more suspicious.

There was nothing the Fu Family could do other than accept the situation, trusting that these unfounded rumors would eventually fade over time.

After all, no one has seen a blood talisman, right?


No one has seen it?

No, someone has!

In the array of stone houses leaning against the mountain of Crescent Valley, a place where Battle Hall resided.

Inside a secret room, Luo Chen was astonished by the talisman pervaded with an intense smell of blood in Wang Yuan's hand.

"Is this a blood talisman?"

Wang Yuan shook his head, "Strictly speaking, no, it is not a blood talisman."