Chapter 149 Blood Talisman Appears in the World, I Need War! (First Update)_3

No one noticed this scene, as everyone's attention was focused on the talisman.

However, Luo Chen had been quietly observing Tian Xingzi. Seeing him close his eyes again, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Indeed, such crude tricks couldn't fool a Foundation Establishment Ccultivator.

This was the best outcome!

At least, he wouldn't have to worry about him bidding in the auction.

Of course, even if he did buy it, it wouldn't be a problem.

As long as he spread the news of the Blood Talisman's appearance through the black market, it would be enough.

Now that he wasn't interested, the scope of his operation would be even greater.


"What kind of talisman is this? Why is there such a strong smell of blood?"

"Such a strong sensation!"

"I have already reached the Ninth Level of Qi Refinement, yet I still felt somewhat threatened by this talisman. If it were to be fully activated, I might have to be careful as well."