Chapter 154: A New Situation, A New Phenomenon, The Finalization of Spirit Vision Technique! _1

After a rainstorm, the climate had become much cooler.

Luo Chen strolled along the mountain path through Crescent Valley.

At his side, Gu Caiyi hurried back.

"The cooperation with the Nangong Family has been settled."

"They will supply us with a thousand Spirit Stones worth of demon beast milk every month from now on. They even asked if we needed milk from another type of demon beast, but I turned them down."

Luo Chen praised her, "Turning them down was right. As it stands, our two kinds of milk tea are enough for Honey Snow Ice City to solidify our footing in The Great River District. If a new competitor should appear, we can slowly roll out new products."

"Mhm, that's what I thought too."

Gu Caiyi nodded heavily, "Also, the Great Lake Gang has come to a new agreement with us. They'll continue to supply Wan Jade at the same price as the Broken Mountain Gang."

This was good news.