Chapter 153: Ninth Level Qi Refinement, Summary and Inventory of Attributes (Seeking Subscription!)_3

Even after taking a hard hit, Luo Chen still managed to squeeze out a carefree smile. In front of countless rogue cultivators in The Great River District, he maintained a suave and carefree demeanor.

This merit can be attributed to the Ming God's Divine Cleanse!

There's not much to say about the Technique column.

He has recently acquired three new Techniques. Earth Rock Technique and Wave Technique were prepared for his upcoming second-order Technique, Collapse.

The Sound Isolation Technique was chosen from a pile of spoils of war, not for its power but for its practicality!

However, the Healing Technique has been progressing quite rapidly.

Benefiting from his own injuries, he casts the Technique on himself whenever he can.

"Eh? The Spirit Vision Technique is about to be perfected?"

Luo Chen's gaze had initially slid down the column to the Pill Technique, but it quickly jumped back.

[Spirit Vision Technique Grandmaster 980/1000]

"I'm only 20 proficiency points away..."