Chapter 178: Intimidating Soul Interrogation, Fierce Sun Technique's Success_1

The wind whistles as the daylight fades, time slips away like flowing water.

In an instant, half a month has passed.

During this half month, the Luo Tian Creed was almost completely dormant.

The cultivators no longer went out, and even Jade Marrow Pills were no longer supplied to the public, the same applied to several other major Foundation Establishment Forces.

This bizarre situation attracted the attention of many rogue cultivators.

But no one questioned it.

The reason was simple, everyone knew that the Luo Tian Creed had suffered a terrible beast tide attack.

It was said that a Second Order Demon Beast had appeared at that time.

In the end, Luo Tian Creed barely defended itself with a top-grade array.

Even so, the Luo Tian Creed suffered heavy losses, with more than a dozen late-stage Qi Refinement Cultivators falling under the beast tide.

Under such circumstances, it was only logical for the Luo Tian Creed to hunker down, lick its wounds, and not venture out.