Chapter 178: Soul-Terrifying Interrogation, Fierce Sun Technique Becomes _2

Under the azure sky, waves of fire spread out in layers.

The towering mountain peaks suddenly shattered in the midst of this violent explosion.

Boulders were interspersed chaotically, amid a confluence of ice and fire.

In the scorching high temperatures, a massive white wolf, its fur singed, shrouded in a mix of cold and heat, leapt down from mid-air.

Its chest area was a blurred mess of flesh and blood.

Its left forepaw twisted weirdly, with pallid blood constantly dripping down.

It was injured, and not lightly!


The furious wolf howl was sharp and prolonged.

Its eyes spun wildly, its nostrils constantly sniffing.

It was frantically searching for its enemy, but however hard it searched, it could no longer find a trace of its enemy.

In the narrow mine tunnel, Luo Chen walked.

He looked relaxed, showing no signs of exertion.

"This old wolf is not simple!"