Chapter 201: A lone sail in the distance, Lan Cang rushes on (Request for a monthly ticket)_1

"It's increased a little!"

A little, seems very minimal.

But you should know that Luo Chen had already reached the Perfection Level quite some time ago.

At the time of the Qi Refinement Stage Finalization, it was around 305.

Later, after breaking through to the Foundation Establishment, he went through three years of closed-door cultivation.

Such a long time only increased proficiency by a hundred points, progress was as slow as a snail.

It often took many iterations to increase a point of proficiency.

Unexpectedly, this time, with the help of the Evil Qi for cultivation, the proficiency increased so swiftly.

"If the speed doesn't slow down afterwards, relying on the ten Floating Rock Stones currently on me, which is equivalent to a hundred strands of Earth Fire Evil Qi, I could almost rush to the Grandmaster Level."

"Even if there isn't enough, I can borrow some from Brother Wang."

He never worried about whether Wang Yuan would lend him any.
