Chapter 201: A lone sail in the distance, Lan Cang rushes on (Request for a monthly ticket)_2

Luo Chen looked at Qin Liangchen, with faintly grey temples, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

When Luo Chen first met Qin Liangchen, the latter was in the prime of his life, just forty-nine years old.

This, Luo Chen was quite sure of.

To determine the cultivation speed of various Spirit Roots, Luo Chen had asked Qin Liangchen for advice on this matter many times.

Counting the years, Qin Liangchen should be fifty-seven now!

He only has three years left till the best stage for Foundation Establishment at sixty.

Yet, he is still a little away from Qi Refinement Stage Finalization.

The irony is that his relatively younger wife, Murong Qinglian, is rising to the top and is about to reach the Qi Refinement Stage Finalization.

At this rate...

Qin Liangchen is bound to miss the best timing for his breakthrough.

While Luo Chen was deep in thought, Qin Liangchen's sentimental voice rang in his ear.

"Don't worry about me."