Chapter 11 The Invitation (Part 1)_1

In fact, if not for the limit to the keyboard's response speed, Right Hand's speed could increase by several times. Unfortunately, the mind's direct response device for humans is still under experimentation. If it were actually available for use, it wouldn't be too bad.

Chen Yang, who was sitting on the chair feeling drowsy, had no idea that a game engine beyond human imagination had just been born. This game engine, compared to coscos2D-X engine, can't be mentioned in the same breath, be it in terms of functionality or performance.

A good game engine, like the engine of a racecar, determines the performance of the entire vehicle. It serves as the foundation for building a "skyscraper". Its importance goes without saying.

To accomplish a few plans set by Right Hand, it decided to develop a game that cannot be supported by the current game engine. Therefore, the creation of this new game engine was essential.

'Ding dong ding dong…'

The thing waking the drowsy Chen Yang was the ring of his cell phone. He was slightly startled, cautiously looked at Right Hand, who was still pounding on the keyboard, and seeing no reaction from it, he cautiously took out the phone from his pocket with his left hand.


"Is this Old Chen? It's Zhu Junchen."

The deep voice over the phone quickly reminded Chen Yang of an old friend's appearance, who was his university roommate.

"Old Pig? Did you change your number?" Chen Yang's mood changed slightly.

"Don't get me started, I got pickpocketed at the market yesterday and got scolded by your sister-in-law."

"Oh." At this moment, Chen Yang didn't know how to respond, so he could only express agreement or disagreement with an "Oh".

"Old Chen, are you still guarding that house of yours? Haven't you found another job?"


Chen Yang thought for a moment and added, "I quite like how things are now."

"Oh, never mind, I already know your personality. Actually, being a landlord isn't bad, at least there's not that much pressure on your livelihood."

Zhu Junchen made small talk with Chen Yang for a bit, and finally revealed the purpose of his call: "Are you free for lunch? I'll treat you to a meal."


As soon as Chen Yang heard this word, his ears perked up and saliva unconsciously flowed from his mouth, he smacked his lips, "Why do you suddenly want to take me out to lunch?"

"Hehe, can't I treat you to a meal if there's nothing going on?"

"Hmm, let me think about it…"

Chen Yang murmured with his mouth, but he placed the phone on the other side and carefully leaned towards Right Hand, asking: "Officer Ross, I…"

"Go ahead."

Right Hand interrupted Chen Yang, as if knowing what he wanted to ask, "Considering your current income, having a free lunch isn't a bad deal."

Who's fault is it that I've become such a glutton?

Not daring to slander openly, Chen Yang picked up the phone and said: "Alright, I'm free at noon. Name the place."

"The Big Stomach King Hotpot Restaurant on Riverside Road. I'll be there sharp at twelve. Don't be late."

After hanging up the phone, before Chen Yang could speak, Right Hand suddenly let go of the keyboard, opened its palm, and said: "It's five kilometers from here to the destination on Riverside Road. You should set off now."

Chen Yang was shocked and looked at the screen. An electronic map of the city was opened at some point, which is how Right Hand knew the distance.


Just as Chen Yang was about to get up from the chair, the text message ringtone suddenly rang. He casually picked it up and looked. His face suddenly changed. The text message was actually from the Industrial and Commercial Bank, notifying him of a 15,340-yuan internet transfer, leaving him with a balance of 4780 yuan.

Chen Yang's first thought was that his online banking account had been hacked. A surge of rage abruptly rose within him, so much so that his breathing felt stifled, his entire body trembling, eyes bloodshot.

"Parasite, your emotional fluctuations are intense."

Right Hand couldn't always scan Chen Yang's memories, but it could vaguely sense Chen Yang's emotional turbulence.

"Offi... Officer Ross, my online bank account has been hacked."

This kind of thing, which usually only happens on TV news, was actually happening to him. Chen Yang couldn't believe the absurdity of it.

But then he remembered that his right hand was no longer the ordinary and rough one it used to be, but a super right hand that cannot be easily overlooked. It was home to a mysterious alien organism. Humans can't imagine the horror it represented - as long as he asks for its help, things should quickly resolve.

So, Chen Yang relaxed, and his mood calmed down. He even laughed at himself for being overanxious. There was nothing to worry about. The organism living in his right hand would surely not do nothing. After all, their interests were now intertwined.

"Oh, it's nothing. That money was just me..."

Amid that short sentence, Chen Yang's smile froze...

God damn, I was zoned out for just a moment, and you spent over fifteen thousand yuan. It turns out the thief isn't someone else, it's you...


That slap made Chen Yang's fury abruptly cut off. A second later, the pain surging from every part of his body left him groaning. Like experiencing an epileptic seizure, he lay on the ground, his body trembling non-stop.

A minute later, Chen Yang, soaked in sweat, stood up slowly at the command of Right Hand, drained of energy.

His gaze was lifeless, his expression numb. Chen Yang, who had just endured another cruel punishment, no longer had the energy to think. It was as if his soul had departed his body.

Actually, Right Hand was also suffering. It was tortured by this damned, low-grade organism. Why, following the bodily and mental stimulation, does it never learn its lesson? It seemed necessary to implement training measures on this host. No matter whether it's mental or physical, he should understand the concept of obeying the commands of the Advanced Organism engraved in his genes.

And yet, this pitifully low-grade creature is not only disobedient, but also a "pauper" within human society. He didn't even have enough cash to throw without hearing it land.

Unfortunately, Right Hand was not in a hurry. If it wanted to get money in human society it would be straightforward, but at this moment, the most important matter is not money but another major issue. Only after settling the major issue can it proceed with the next step of its plan.

Step by step, slowly and steadily, it will hide its true self and proceed with its plan. Having been adrift amongst countless star systems, it had the patience for this.

The summer weather was unpredictable. The morning basked in sunshine, and yet by noon the sun had disappeared, and from the seaside came dense clouds which quickly began pouring rain in a furious downpour.

With such a volatile weather condition, it was clearly unsuitable to be out walking. People would either seek shelter under awnings or conclude to stay inside. Even the usually busy roads seemed much less populated.

However, within such torrential rain, a man, a man holding a black umbrella, emotionless, stood tall, methodically been advancing down the rain-soaked street.

It was ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Right Hand was commanding this pitiful man to walk five kilometers to his destination rather than allowing him to hail a taxi.

What was even more ridiculous was that Right Hand demanded for his every step's footfall to be evenly spaced, allowing absolutely no error.

Moreover, to keep looking ahead, counting each step.

These were ridiculously meaningless demands.

But, what was more ridiculous was that the man had no choice but to obey the orders of the Right Hand, or the consequences were unthinkable.

So, step after step, in contrast with the hurried footsteps of others, the man's footfall was measured and steady, maintaining a consistent speed.

At this point, if there happened to be a passerby noticing this man and their gaze lingered upon him for several dozens of seconds, they would be surprised to discover that the distance between each footfall remained consistent, an impossibility for any ordinary human.

But in this downpour, who would notice this peculiar man?

As a result, the man fixed his gaze ahead, advancing in the straightest and shortest distance possible on the street. The passersby, whether women, elderly people, or children, could not affect even a step's pause.