Chapter 12 Inviting Guests (Middle)_1

"One thousand one hundred and fifty-seven, one thousand one hundred and fifty-eight, one thousand one hundred and fifty-nine..."

Muttering numbers to himself, his mind and attention highly concentrated, Chen Yang had undoubtedly pushed his potential to the limit. Humans, such creatures, have boundless potential. Tasks that seem impossible under normal circumstances often reveal surprising abilities when forced to accomplish them.

Under the direct orders of Right Hand, Chen Yang dared not defy the command, forcing himself to do as instructed. In the beginning, whenever he made an error, not in conformity with Right Hand's guidelines, he would feel a stabbing pain as if slashed by a knife. Thus, Chen Yang would realize his mistake, and he would strive to correct it in his next step.

From the start, there were many errors in every hundred meters, but later, like a robot, the distance between his steps was as accurate as if measured by a precise ruler, the accuracy never fluctuating more than a centimeter or two.

This was not because Chen Yang was a genius or had discovered any unique method. It was merely due to Right Hand's teaching method.

If a person who hates learning were to take a knife for a moment of distraction or a wrong word, even if they were the last in their class, there would be no doubt as to why, within a short period, they would rise to the top ten in the class.

The torrential rain continued to pour, and soon the drainage channels beside the road were overwhelmed, leaving many puddles by the roadside.

During such heavy rain, many drivers deliberately slow down to prevent their cars from skidding out of control, causing any traffic accidents. Once an accident occurs, it won't be good for either the driver himself or any unfortunate bystanders.

But there are exceptions to everything, otherwise there wouldn't be so many traffic accidents each year.

Just as Chen Yang, weather-beaten, tread on Riverside Road, a car sped up behind him a few hundred meters away as the wind and rain battered his cheeks.

The driver, in his arrogance or maybe drunk, believing in his superior driving skills, treated Riverside Road, which has a speed limit of forty kilometers per hour, as a highway, driving at a speed of eighty to ninety kilometers per hour.

The splash from the puddles left several pedestrians unable to dodge in time, drenching them with filthy rain water. They cursed at the back of the departing car.

However, these pedestrians fell silent in the next moment, their eyes wide open in horrified anticipation.

The car that had drenched them sped a hundred meters or so before it suddenly skidded out of control due to the slick road and excessive speed. The vehicle broke its trajectory and sprinted in a slope at a pace of over ninety meters.

Assuming if there were no other vehicles in the left lane, except for hitting a guardrail, it would merely be a minor accident.

But luck wasn't on the reckless driver's side. Just as he skidded into the left lane, a truck was coming head-on.

In a flash, the truck driver was startled and tried to swerve, but it was too late to control such a massive vehicle. As human reflexes failed to keep up, the truck made a significant impact at the rear of the car, sending it crashing into the guardrail beside the pedestrian lane.

The car was airborne because of the impact from the truck's hit, with the mid-axis of the car as the core, it was spinning in the air towards the pedestrian lane.

Actually witnessing this crash, Luo Xiangning was on the same side as the truck, still shocked in the pedestrian walkway. He saw a man holding a black umbrella across the street and a spinning car in the air, slicing through the air, carrying the scent of death, whirling past the metallic tip of the man's umbrella.

The car, a few meters long, was enormous compared to a man, and it was only a few centimeters away from the tip of the umbrella; from Luo Xiangning's point of view, it was barely skimming past the man.

Moreover, the out-of-control truck also rammed past the man's back, only about a meter away, hitting the metal railing with a deafening crash!

The accident scene was no more than ten or so meters away from Luo Xiangning. He was sweating cold and trembling uncontrollably with his umbrella because he felt the terror of death passing by. His body immediately felt weak.

No one would laugh even though the crash site was only tens of meters away because anyone who sees two cars, one of which is a truck, colliding so close to them would be shaken up by such a disastrous accident.

Luo Xiangning was still just about holding up, his heart furiously beating, his skin suppressed red due to the excessive adrenaline coursing through his veins.

He had yet to awaken from the car crash just a second ago, when the next moment his eyes grew wider.

If it were said that Luo Xiangning narrowly avoided Death, then the man in front of him, no — the man who survived emerging from between two cars, had experienced Death's scythe passing just centimetres away from his cheek. They were not on the same scale.

But what did he see?

A car rotating over the man's head just inches away, another truck crashing into his back, in such a horrific accident, the man didn't even break his stride.

As if nothing had happened, he continued at his previous pace, step by step, carrying a black umbrella, walking towards Luo Xiangning in the torrential rain.

Was this normal behavior?

What would a normal person's reaction be in this situation?

Luo Xiangning had no idea, but he did know that at this moment, his face must look terrible like never before.

Despite the situation stirring fear, Luo Xiangning only felt a wave of dissonance.

The absurdity was like a man being held at gunpoint by a criminal, nonchalantly sipping tea, or rather carrying on with whatever he was doing as if nothing was happening.

Luo Xiangning's mouth slightly opened, watching as the man with the umbrella brushed past him. He wanted to say something to stop him.

But what to say?

He desperately wanted to grab him by the neck and violently yell, You son of a bitch, can you not be so damned collected, do you realize you almost lost your life just now?

But finally, Luo Xiangning remained silent, struck by the shocking scene in front of him. Everything had happened within seven to eight seconds, he simply watched as the man with the umbrella casually walked past him expressionless.

"Nine thousand six hundred twenty seven, nine thousand six hundred twenty eight..."

The faint voices floating from the air baffled Luo Xiangning, wanting to listen more carefully, but the man had already walked far away.

An average person would naturally freeze in fear seeing such an accident, yet Chen Yang was oblivious to the earlier catastrophe. It wasn't that Chen lost his sense of fear, rather, he had put all of his focus on regulating every single one of his steps and counting his strides. Anything happening in the outside world was automatically filtered out by his brain.

Right Hand was extremely satisfied with Chen Yang's current conduct. Due to the failed fusion, it was unable to control this host's body for extended periods, and for some time each day, even had to go dormant. Thus, it had its misgivings about the assumption that during its dormant period, this host, due to innate human stupidity, could lead to irreparable mistakes.

It absolutely must train the host!

Right Hand thought aggressively, wanting to strengthen his discipline and to make him understand that obeying its commands was the utmost importance.

As for whether or not this process would cause the host pain, it wasn't going to fret about it. Have humans ever been concerned about the feelings of livestock they are slaying?