Chapter 196: Changes in the Little People (Part 1)_1

"Everything is in order...That's good. I'll come over as soon as possible."

Chen Yang hangs up the phone and walks to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out at the city bathed in the light of the early morning sun.

With Tianqi Technology on the right track, operating "Endless Stars" alone could bring Chen Yang more than a billion US dollars in revenue over the next year.

This money may not play a big role in future plans, but at the initial stage, it is a sizable amount.

Fang Ye, who was in Los Angeles, USA just called to report the current situation.

Anderes Technology Company has taken over a nearly bankrupt pharmaceutical company. The acquisition was going smoothly and was expected to be completed within half a month.

As for the issue of purchasing land for a factory in the suburbs, it was even more seamless.