Chapter 197: Changes in the Little People (Part 2)_1

Having put his phone away, Wang Rui changed his clothes, lowered his head, and walked out of his rental room, heading towards the street.

Once out on the main street, Wang Rui flagged down a taxi. They drove for about ten minutes, taking a few turns, before the car stopped in front of an ordinary teahouse.

Standing still, Wang Rui looked up at the teahouse, keeping silent. It wasn't until two customers gave him strange looks that he slowly walked into the teahouse.

"How can I help you, sir?"

An amiable waiter approached, seeing a customer had entered.

"I have a reservation. Room 888."

"Alright, this way please."

The waiter led Wang Rui to room 888. Opening the door, they found a woman sitting on a sofa inside.

Yes, a woman!

Wang Rui frowned. The person who invited him here, why would there be a woman present?

Did he enter the wrong room?

But this was indeed room 888, wasn't it?