Chapter 199: Falcon Experiment (Part 1)_1

"Aren't you the first one?"

Right Hand's response made Chen Yang choke. How dare it refer to him as "one"?

Such a disrespect!

Well, after all, Right Hand was just a "vulgar" alien creature, Chen Yang decided to magnanimously forgive it.

Forgiving Right Hand is one thing, but with regards to this hellishly audacious cat, Chen Yang did not hesitate to yank it down and throw it casually onto the carpet.

This kitten, ever since its transformation by Right Hand, had undergone a drastic change in physiological structure. Although it still maintained the appearance of an American Shorthair, its insides were nothing like a member of the cat family.

This was especially evident in its preference for consuming raw beef instead of cat food.

A massive amount of raw beef!