Chapter 200 Falcon Test (Middle)_1

On the electronic display, several screens from left to right indicate the global positioning location of the drone, along with sensor feedback data such as altitude, temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind strength, atmospheric pressure, and real-time imagery from the night vision camera.

"Altitude 1000 meters, preparing to release TC-200..."

Out in the high-altitude open space around the villa, four quadcopters maintained stable flight. On receiving the remote control command, they made a "click" sound. The hooked TC-200 drone's engine suddenly started, dropping a dozen meters before launching into a sharp acceleration.

The swooping flight was both fast and fierce. Within a moment, the four quadcopters were left far behind.

A command from the ground guided this unmanned drone in the preset direction under the instruction of the GPS global positioning system. In just a few minutes, it had covered over twenty kilometers to reach the open sea.
