213 Exploration (II)_1

The further exploration with the camera, however, had not yielded any particularly useful clues.

Next, Chen Yang conducted another experiment.

Would the photonic film block the transmission of radio waves if it were not connected to a circuit?

The test results were clear; the photonic film could indeed block radio waves. To transmit any signal data, it must be connected to a physical circuit.

"Host, we can start the next step."


Chen Yang nodded and went to Zone C of the basement. With his hands stretched out and his eyes staring straight ahead, he stood still.


Accompanied by the sound of mechanical operation, four precise robotic arms suddenly swung into action. They started attaching the parts of the Powered Exoskeleton Armor, from the head downwards, slowly assembling the parts on Chen Yang's body.

Each time a part made contact, the interlocking catches "clicked" into place, firmly secured without any visible gaps.