Chapter 212 Exploring (Part 1) _1

"Six hours and seven minutes. …target shows no change."

Inside the basement, a soft light fills the entire room, while in the center the photonic film remains unaltered, in an extraordinary state of stability.

Recording down the time, Chen Yang tilts his head slightly and types, "Success in testing item thirteen, the object doesn't appear damaged."

"It appears this object doesn't cause harm to other objects it comes into contact with."

Chen Yang touched his chin, then commented, "I wonder if it affects living things."

"Let's proceed with some tests on living organisms next."

Right Hand suggested.


Starting with a plucked flower, Chen Yang grabbed it with a pair of tongs and placed it within the photonic film.

Checking the time, five seconds later he took the flower back.

On first inspection, there were no apparent changes to the flower. Chen quickly sealed it in a glass container and labeled it, "Five Seconds".