Chapter 258 Observation and Experiment_1

Arriving at this conclusion wasn't tough, it was as if it was instinctual. He merely had to stand there and he would receive unimaginable information.

A second stage overclocking, or a third stage, could increase his ability to calculate mentally and his observational skills, but it wouldn't compare to this current "all-knowing" sensation.

The world he used to see was merely as is.

But the world he sees now is utterly fresh and different.

Chen Yang stepped out of the villa and drove slowly outward, the cold wind blowing on his face through the open car window, didn't stir a hint of emotion.

On the contrary, his incredibly sharp senses picked out details from this cold wind that were unnoticed by ordinary humans, such as the distance between passing cars, changes in air flow, all of which naturally emerged in Chen Yang's mind.