First night away

First night there we were served a really simple meal. She made us bologna and cheese sandwiches, pickes, chips and juice. At first I thought I won the lottery. They took me clothes shopping. They got me shoes. They provided a bunch of new things. Back into therapy I went. My fosters tried to get me to date their nephew. I was still dating Bd. So we became friends but nothing more. Everything was going along nicely. I caught the bus to school. When I got home I got to see my siblings. About 3 months in I started noticing some differences. My siblings were sitting on the wall with dirty diapers on their face. My foster dad was home at the time. I tried to confront him. He decided to tell me he's teaching them about using the toilet. Then he tried to comfort me. He wrapped his arms around me and when he hugged me his hand was lightly touching my butt. Frightened I stiffened. Then I felt his little guy pressing against my upper pelvic. I pulled away. I don't remember what happened after that. I do remember that when I came back to. I was in the shower by myself. My foster mom was accusing me of throwing up my food. So I was not allowed to have any food that night. Everything just got worse from there. Then I decided that I needed to run away and get help. I already knew the police wouldn't help me. I knew my social worker wouldn't help me either. The police wouldn't help me when I was with my mom. They believed her over me. My social worker literally told me the only thing I ever be good at is lying on my back so I might as well get used it now. So I formed a plan. I ran away. I was living on the streets for about 3 months. Then on my birthday I decided to visit my real mom. I'm not sure why but I missed her. So I caught a bus back to her place. When I walked in. My mother was on the counter getting down and dirty with a man. I thought at first that she was being ra*ed. She was loud and she looked like she wasn't ok. Now I'm older I understand the look. 😅🤣😂 So I quick responded. I tried to attack the man. Mother screamed for me to stop. I wouldn't listen. Then she said the most bone chilling thing I've ever heard. Stop that's your dad. I quickly dropped the knife and walked away. Father came out and introduced himself to me. Then told me he would be right back. He was going to go get me a birthday gift. I went back in. Mother decided she was going to help me stay on the run. We did my hair. She got us a hotel room. She cooked for me. We stayed there in hiding for a about a week. Then after her visit with my siblings. She came back distressed. My baby sister had bruises between her legs. Mother and I decided it was time I went back. Mother had no idea what I had planned. I took a gun and loaded it. I did try to shoot him in his balls but I missed. Only to find out later that even if my aim was right on. The gun I stole had blanks in them. So now I was in detention home. I stayed there for a few weeks. It was then that the courts and police actually listened to me. I came forward about my social worker. I also came forward about my foster parents. They both ended up in jail. As I had pictures to prove my case about them. Once everything settled I was placed into another foster home. They were Asian. I believe they were Chinese. They cooked food I enjoyed a lot. I was separated from my siblings. I got super depressed. I missed them like crazy. Then after almost 3 months of being there. I got to have a visitation with my mom and siblings together. My siblings had been separated as well. My sisters were in one place and my brother was in another home. However they were in the same family. Mother and daughter. They treated them ok but in retrospect ok literally only meaning they showered, ate and had clean clothes. My siblings told me they would get spanked and sent to bed without eating. Some times they would go at least a day without food. Only water because "they were picky " my siblings aren't picky. Don't get me wrong. Liver, chicken feet, pig head and the likes. I wouldn't eat it and neither would my siblings. I understood why they chose to not eat. I would prefer starving.