chapter 6 the begining of a story

The arcade robbery incident marked a very strange time in my life even as years passed and I was close to graduating from middle school I could still remember most of the details, now 14 years old I could try and apply to the UA hero course, but I have no doubt that Nezu probably knows about me killing someone, luckily the public doesn't as All Might took the blame.

but I'm pretty sure that All Might has already picked Midoriya as his successor and is training him, I shouldn't fall behind


My name is Izuku Midoiya and I'm going to be the future number 1 hero, I will save everybody with a smile just like All Might

"I'm afraid you are quirkless" The voice of the doctor brought silence in the room, even my mind was quiet. I can't be a hero? no no no even if I'm quirkless I'll become the hero I always wanted to be

Holding my tears me and mom went home, trying to cheer me up she put the "All Might Rescue" VHS into the TV but I couldn't watch my vision was blurry from the tears, but I forced myself to smile looking at my mom I said

"I can still be a hero... right?" This has to be a dream right? but seeing my mother's expression I had to face my reality... being quirkless would make becoming a hero almost an impossibility....

"But even All Might sometimes uses support items, during his era working with Sir Nighteye he used many gadgets it's even suspected that his whole suit is specia-"

"shut the fuck up Deku, your muttering is annoying as hell" That voice brought me out of my thoughts

"K-Kachann I'm sorry it's just tha-"

"I don't want to hear it Deku, you're always so goddamn annoying" Bakugo reached toward Midoriya's notebook filled with scribbles and barely decipherable text, earning a tense look from Midoriya

"K-Kachhan don't touch that, it's important!" closing the notebook and looking at the title

""Hero analysis for the future" huh? without a second thought, he blasted the notebook out of the window, Midoriya seeing this jumped back in surprise

"That's mean, Kacchan" unable to continue his sentence as he was powerless to stop what might happen if he did.

"Listen, nerd, most heroes have their little backstories you know? and being the only person in school applying to UA from this school would be a perfect story, and you have to ruin it Deku." Walking forward and placing his hand on Midoriya's shoulder, her whispered into his ears

"Dont apply to UA, you never know what might happen if you did"

Midoriya already frozen from fear, couldn't reply. he already gave up on the hope of having a quirk, and now giving up on being a hero? he couldn't... no he mustn't, who would save those in need if not him?

"You better consider my off Deku, I'm being serious" Bakugo didn't even bat an eye for Midoriya, he already considered him a lost cause he's quirkless after all.

later that day Midoriya was seen walking back home with a dejected expression painting his face

"maybe I should take a shortcut back home" wanting nothing but to go and sleep his worries away, not knowing that this decision changed his fate forever... 

weaving between alleyways Midoriya was as always in deep thought. What Bakugo said to him hurt him more than he would like to admit. thinking about what to do, he didn't notice the sewer grate behind him that started oozing sludge.

"ah you would be a perfect disguise" Suddenly Midoriya was awakened from his stupor by a voice coming from behind, turning his head he couldn't help but exclaim.

"A- v-villain!" and before he could even start running he was restrained by sludge his whole body couldn't move, his face covered he was beginning to drown

"Calm down kiddo, it'll only hurt for a moment" Hearing the disgusting voice, Midroiya tried to think of an escape... clawing out? punching it? what could he do? he was a weak and quirkless boy.

"there you go kid, now be a good puppet and let me-" 


in an instant, the sludge monster turned around, his irises narrowed into the size of needles.

"It's fine now. why? because I am here" On the other side of the alleyway stood the 1# pro hero in Japan, All Might looked towards the villain a beaming smile adorned on his face. not even a millisecond later All Might's punch turned the sludge villain into drops of water.

"Thanks for helping me fight the villain, young man" Looking at Midoriya, his smile became even more radiant.

"a-a---a-a A- A- All Might!!" Flustered and surprised, Midroiya barely managed to even get two words out, even with normal people Midoriya would stutter and ramble, but right now he is in front of his childhood hero!

"Alright now kid, I am in a hurry. return home to your family, I'm sure they are missing you" Subtley reminded of a past incident, All Might chose not to stay for too long. completely forgetting that he was holding Midoriya's notebook, to write his signature of course.

"w- wait... All Might!" after finally calming down Midoriya noticed his notebook still in All Might's hands, knowing how important it is, he decided to run after him.

"hu.. huf- hoo-" Surprisingly Midoriya managed to catch up to All Might, who he had seen stopping on top of a rooftop, after racing up the stairway he couldn't wait to get his notebook back... and maybe have a talk with All Might 

But reaching the rooftop, what he saw was not something he expected. Instead of the tall and brave hero, what he saw was a skinny old man wearing baggy clothes looking at the cover of his notebook. connecting the dots he said out loud in surprise

"All Might? there's no way..." Toshinori, surprised by his voice quickly turned around. seeing as he has been caught he said

"I see. young man, it appears you have already seen me in this form" Handing him back the notebook, he continued

"Remember not to tell anybody not even accidentally, I still want to protect this world with a smile" While trusting a stranger might seem foolish, but remembering That kid he knew that people often surpass your expectations.

"I can't simply say "You can become a hero even if you're powerless", people must be inspired by actions rather than words, lying to them is to break their trust." Unknowingly to All Might, that phrase hit Midoiya like a truck, shattering all hope he ever had.

"so... I can't be a hero huh" Midoriya muttered, but when All Might heard this, he was reminded of his past. Asking to hear Midoriya's story while he rested, He found out how terrible his life is, all the abuse, struggles, and broken dreams made him feel sorry for the young man.

"Well then, young man I trust you to keep this a secret, anyway I have villains to find. See ya" Transforming back into his muscle form, he quickly jumped away sending rippling shockwaves through the sky

Midoriya however was at his lowest, having his dreams broken again and again and even getting indirectly ridiculed by All Might... 'maybe being a hero really isn't for me' but before his thoughts could get even more depressing he saw a crowd of police, and even some heroes!

coming closer what he saw shocked him, in front of him was the same villain that tried to drown him! But instead of him in the sludge, he saw-

"K-Kacchan!" his body moved without thinking, sprinting towards his "childhood friend" he tried to rescue him, even if he was powerless to do anything, he has to save his friends.

"What the hell are you doing, Deku?" even while being restrained by a villain he was ridiculing Midoriya

"I'm- I'm trying to save you Kacchan, can't you see?" even with no progress being made Midoriya kept on trying to grab the villain with tears in his eyes

"Don't be ridiculous Deku I can save myself, you're useless anyway" Bakugo not hearing any of it pointed his hands toward the villain creating an explosion in its face but even that didn't do much

"Kacchan- p-please"

"Shut the f*ck up dek-" 


with a sense of deja vu, Midoriya looked behind the villain, to again see All Might in a superhero landing pose, his smile showing

"It's fine now. why? because I am here!" quickly dispatching the villain again, this time making sure the villain is apprehended he looked towards the two victims, not expecting to recognize one of them


Walking down the street with tears in his eyes Midoriya was having the worst day of his life... again

"I was scolded by the heroes again... am I not supposed to be a victim too" Barely able to keep himself walking straight, with tears falling down he hurried back home, even more so than last time 

but before he could make the turn towards the street where his house is, he bumped into someone. falling down he looked up only to see

"All Might?" the surprise in his voice is apparent, to see his favorite here in disguise (not in muscle form), and to even bump into him?

"shush young man, if someone heard us we could be in trouble, let's go somewhere private" With a finger on his lips, Toshinori looked around for anyone who might've heard them, fortunately, there were none

After going to a more secluded part of the streets Toshinori turned towards Midoriya and said

"sigh, you might be wondering what I want to say to you, I want to both apologize and thank you, I realized how hurtful I was when I said that you can be a hero without powers. When I saw your actions I felt it from you, you have a more heroic spirit than even some heroes I know" Getting reminded of corrupt heroes he used to know made him feel terrible but he continued

"so I come with a suggestion." All Might said, giving a dramatic pause 

"Inherit my power" Looking at Midoriya with a serious gaze,All Might knew that this decision could not be undone

and thus the fate of a young quirkless boy was changed overnight,

(they lived happily until this very day.. blah blah blah sorry for this whole recap but I need to establish the story, although this isn't a 1:1 of what happened in the anime, but I'm a writer, not a describer

for your entertainment I made the chapter longer)


Looking at myself in the mirror I was once again surprised by how good I looked, wearing a light blue sweater with a white shirt underneath together with long dark red pants, one could say it fit with my pallet of "light blue + red". But even with me dressing up nice I was still annoyed that I looked like a girl... should I cut my hair? 

"Rimuu~ you should hurry up, don't be late for the entrance exam" Hearing my mother's voice I sighed and walked outside, looking at the street in front of my house I saw Tokoyami waiting for me

"hey, since we're both taking the entrance exam let's go together" Tokoyami's reasoning was perfect so there was no need to refute it, while you may think that Tokoyami would be afraid of me after that incident he actually visited me often during my home arrest. 

"Hm, I wonder what the entrance exam will be like, as it should test not only our offensive capabilities but also our ability to utilize our quirks for different situations" Oh boy Toko if you knew how simple the exam is you would rip your birdbrains out

while our walk toward the train station was quiet, it was not very awkward as we were both quiet individuals. reaching the train station and taking our seats, I could notice a few eyes landing on us. Even in a world of quirks and mutations, we were still eye-catching 

A guy with a crowhead and an absolute beauty would garner quite a bit of attention. For Tokoyami it was open hatred, apparently, there are still people who don't accept mutants as people. Well for me... it was getting catcalled by clueless boys.

The whole train ride was uneventful and so was the walk toward the UA Academy grounds but, when we reached the gates to the UA campus even I couldn't help but feel awe. Unlike a 2D drawing, this place felt very real, even the 8m tall gate... I assume for quirk inclusivity.

Walking through the gates I could see some familiar faces, Midoriya being a dork next to Ochako, Bakugo being angry, Asui walking... or hopping? I can't tell, Toru being well... invisible and I could even see the jiggling melons of Momo Yaoyo- ouch

feeling an elbow poking my side, I see Tokoyami looking at me dismissively.

"Rimuru, ogling at girls makes you seem like a pervert" Dammit why is he right... upon entering the main building we were guided into the auditorium where we sat down

looking around me I noticed a very big problem, I'm too eye-catching even when compared to girls, I could beat more than 80% in looks although I got used to getting looks from time to time, some of the people here actually matter, I can't have my first impressions being terrible.

Soon after a while, a teacher was seen entering the auditorium, preparing my ears in advance (one of the perks of knowing the future) I got ready to have my ears blas-

"HELLO EVERYBODY!!! WELCOME TO MAH SHOW!!" Present Mic screamed out in a very Japanese accent, striking a few poses

"EVERYBODY SAY HEY!!" followed by a silence that could make the abyss jealous.

"Ahem- Alright, today I will instruct you on how today's entrance exam will go... ARE YOU READY?" Again silence followed soon after, I coughed a little for comedic effect

After the embarrassing performance from Present Mic, he went on to tell us how the entrance exam will be graded (Ommiting very important information), and telling us how to get points, not before Present Mic finished explaining I could hear the quiet mutter of Midoriya followed by Iida's over-the-top question/questioning the school's integrity (I have no idea what he's yapping about)

"Yawn" accidentally yawning a little too loudly I could feel the gazes of the other participants on me, but before I could do anything about it we were sent towards our respective Exam site.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I was sent to the same site as Midoriya... Standing in front of the giant gate of the site, I was feeling nervous I didn't actually know how well I've improved since... disassembling a man, but I know I am leagues above past me.


Hearing the buzzer and seeing the gate opening, I imminently sprinted into the site, due to me not actually having a quirk, but multiple skills including [enhanced physique] I was running significantly faster than other "one trick pony" participants.

Finding one of the first robots I wanted to test my new strength, extending my hand forward I felt the mist condense around my palm, I then sent it out with a grasping motion [Beelzbub], Immediately the mist around my hand shot out in the shape of a hand grabbing the whole robot and destroying it by deleting half of its torso, the collapsing robot made the surrounding participants feel a sense of urgency, so they all ran around looking for robots.

I while still running would try to keep damage to a minimum, and even rescue some participants who couldn't dodge. I have to keep my hero points high, and villain points low. Damn rat and making exams overly complicated.

Meanwhile inside an observation deck: 

"what do you think of him?" said the voice coming from a white rat, Nezu while looking at All Might

"You mean Rimuru?" All Might still looked confused as to why Nezu asked him this question.

"yes, of course, you did meet him during an unfortunate incident." The cunning rat said, trying to be vague as there were other heroes in the room

"Honestly it's quite unexpected how heroic he acts, but what happened that day was already years ago, people change some for the worse and some for the better." All Might said with a gaze of warmth while looking at the performance of the femboyish teen.

"I couldn't have said it better myself... of course I could HAHHAH" Nezu replied before starting to maniacally laugh.

"hm, Are you talking about that blue-haired girl? it's quite impressive honestly" A mature and seductive voice rang out, of course coming from Midnight.

"That quirk seems both powerful and dangerous. Her control is impeccable" a muffled voice added, that being Snipe

"uh ahem- what do you think of that green-haired youth" All Might showing slight favoritism asks the other teachers.

"He hasn't done anything yet, he's boring" They all replied in unison earning a disappointed sigh from All Might.

meanwhile on the testing site:

"Huff huff- I'm getting really damn tired, controlling this is absolutely exaust-" Before I could even complain the ground started to shake

[The 4P Target has been released]

"It's about damn time lets go destroy tha-" Stopping myself from turning into a battle manic, I remembered that the 4P target was basically Midoriya's canon event.

as I decided not to go for the 4P robot, I continued my slaughter of robotkind, however, I started to get exhausted, and all that running around was making my legs ache, but suddenly a loud voice came up


Present Mic announced I decided to use the last of my energy to hunt some more robots...


"Huff Huff- tired" Now barely walking back to the gate I felt like I was about to go unconscious, seeing Midoriya on the ground with a concerning amount of injuries, I felt a little better as I didn't need to struggle like him, but seeing Ochako tending to him... I might be a little jealous.

Knowing that the entrance exam was finally coming to an end, now all I have to do is pray that I would be accepted (basically a guarantee)

Walking back home with Tokoyami gave me some time to relax.

"so how did your exam go?" I was very curious because Tokoyami's performance wasn't shown in the anime

"It went quite well, but due to there no being much shade, I had difficulty destroying the robots quickly enough" as expected.

"mine went a whole lot better, my quirk is naturally good at destroying things" I smiled in pride, I knew that my skill could bypass all armor and with enough training, what else could it do?

"says the guy who looks like he just ran a marathon" Tokoyami replies, to be fair I do look like I'm about to die.

"Well now let's hope we pass." I said, earning a nod from Tokoyami

But I knew deep in my heart that this was just the beginning of a story

(OMG HE SAID THE THING... anyway, this chapter is significantly longer than the others(3200+ words)... should I keep posting longer chapters? tell me... pwease)