Chapter 7 First day

(enjoy this chapter :D)

Quickly returning home, when opening the front door I was hit with a fragrance that made my mouth water

"Welcome back Rimmu! dinner is almost ready so, go prepare the table" My mother said from across the house, after the entrance exam I was so hungry I could eat a horse, and I would.

Seeing my father was already seated in the dining room reading the newspaper (Who reads a printed newspaper?), although he was acting relaxed his trembling hands and bags under his eyes showed just how nervous he was

"s-s--so how was th- the test," stuttering like a certain green-haired teen, I could even see my mother peeking with a worried expression.

"It went much better than expected, it was easier than I expected" I showed a beaming smile which quickly made my parents relax

"fufu, of course, it would be easy, after all, you are continuing your mother's legacy. If you can't be a hero, nobody can" Smirking to herself, my mother returned to making dinner.

"continuing your legacy? didn't you retire from being a hero because of our marriage?" my father muttered to himself, although loudly enough for both of us to hear.

"Huh? Like I'd retire for you " With a cheeky expression, my mother sat down, passing our servings. Am I about to get some family lore? I looked at them with an interested expression, not even touching my food

"to think such an airhead would become so cheeky after getting married, you used to be so much different back then" A reminiscent expression painted my father's face

"oi- don't tell him it's in the past! don't make me remember" My mother's face quickly flushed. She revealed a rare expression, I don't remember the last time my mother blushed so profusely. 

with a sinister grin, my father started retelling the past

"I remember I first met her while being worked to the bone, she was a rookie hero working under "majestic" was his name? anyway, apparently there was a villain attack on the other side of the street where I work. my former boss being a cheap bastard didn't let us evacuate. The only reason he let us leave was because the fight was escalating."

With a chuckle he continued "While waiting for the fight to end, there I saw Julia standing at the sideline, due to her quirk being weak in combat, she was sulking that she couldn't join the fight. But as I was staring at her for too long eventually our eyes met, I even remember the first words she said to me."

"Stop stop stop don't continue dumbass" my mother protested my father's retelling, but this time my father didn't budge

"she said "Eh? Is there something on my face? w-why are you staring so much?" She blushed like a tomato, well I wasn't that much better I remember blurting out some embarrassing stuff." Geez these two are getting too lovey-dovey.

"anyway almost like fate, even after the incident we continued to meet each other in random places. eventually, we started dating. but anyway we later got married, but we'll continue this story later or I might be cooked alive" Feeling the temperature rising to an unnatural level, I looked towards my mother. She had the expression of a demon, scared out of my wits I quickly said

"Well anyway, let's wait for the results. I'll leave you to it, just remember to use protection" Sprinting straight into my room, I collapsed into bed and immediately fell asleep


[ Entrance exam results: 

-1 Katsuki Bakugo - Villain points: 77- Rescue points: 0 -

-2 Rimuru Tempest - Villain points: 23- Rescue points: 55-

-3 Eijiro Kirishima - Villain points: 39- Rescue points: 35-

-4 Ochaco Uraraka - Villain points: 28- Rescue points: 45-

-5 Ibara Shiozaki- Villain points: 36 - Rescue points: 32-

-6 Itsuka Kendo- VIlain points: 25 - Rescue points: 40-

-7 Tenya Iida - Villain points: 52 - Rescue points: 9-

-8 Izuku Midroiya- Villain points: 0 - Rescure points: 63-

-9 Fumikage Tokoyami- VIllain points: 43 - Rescue point: 14-

-10 Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu- Villain points: 49- Rescue points: 8 ]

"Second place? are you kidding me" Looking at the results, I was surprised at how high I was placed I imagined the rat wouldn't like me, as I am a risk...

"Congratulations Rimuru, it is impressive how high you placed" Tokoyami looked at me with a proud expression, like he was the one who trained me

"You placed quite well to Tokoyami" I replied, but I already knew he would place in the top 10 so I wasn't really surprised.

"Thanks, classes should be starting soon, we should head to class. We were both admitted to A-1 Right?" He asked while beginning to walk, I was quite nervous to meet all of the main cast, let's hope I didn't replace anyone important...

We arrived at class early, and as Tokoyami said "It's better to be early than late". Looking at the seating arrangement I was seated in seat number 19, "coincidentally" Tokoyami's seat was right next to mine seat number 14, behind me on seat 20 Momo Yaoyarozo was sitting quietly reading a book.

"Greetings my name is Tenya Iida, I come from Somei Private Academy" the ever-rigid glasses boy introduces himself, his glasses glinting. He extended his hand towards me at a perfect 15 degrees per second.

"Greetings.. I'm Rimuru Tempres, I look forward to studying together" I held his hand for a handshake, but my soft lady hands made his face slightly red. Turning around and repeating the same lines to Tokoyami, who only nodded he then continued on his introductory journey until Bakugo entered the classroom, where they had their argument as if reading lines from a script.

Knowing what happens next, I waited until everybody went to their seat, when the door opened, the entire class turned quiet looking towards the door I saw the Iconic green-haired pushover

"Good morning! I am from Somei Private Academy my nam-"

"i-I heard uh I'm Midoriya, Nice to meet you, Iida" Midoriya quickly replied 

"Midoriya, you realized there was something more to the exam. I apologize for judging you too early".... nope he didn't realize anything. 

The conversation was quickly cut short by a blabbering airhead AKA Ochaco. To be honest I'm surprised that Midoriya hasn't passed out from a fever, I'm getting second-hand embarrassment just from looking at them.

"go somewhere else if you want to play being friends" A tired voice came out of the classroom, seeing the yellow sleeping bag crawling on the floor I immediately recognized it as Mr Aizawa.

"This is the hero course, you should take this place more seriously" Exiting the sleeping bag, Aizawa made his way to the podium, not before commenting

"it took you 8 seconds before you became quiet, time is limited." Looking as if he hasn't slept for 3 days, it makes you wonder if he's actually a pro hero

"I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa, Nice to meet you. While this may seem sudden go, put this on and head to the field." Pulling out a sports uniform he immediately left without even explaining anything


headed to the field we all were wearing our sports uniform. seeing as we were all gathered Aizawa started talking

"All right, so today we will start but having you take a quirk assessment test." just with the word "test" the other students started complaining.

"What about orientation?"

"We don't have time for those fancy things, you are here to train to become a hero, wasting time is the thing you should avoid." Now distancing himself from us, Aizawa stood next to a throwing field. Now holding a softball he said

"Bakugo, you were the first place in the entrance exam, right? what was your previous highest score for a softball throw?" although the question confused Bakugo, he still answered

"67 meters"

"Alright, now go ahead and throw it again but this time, you can use your quirk" What he said surprised some of the students, as in most physical test exams you weren't allowed to use quirks as they give unfair advantage to some.

"This quirk assessment test will test how utilizing your quirks can you strengthen yourself and how useful are you in many different situations" Handing the softball to Bakugo he took a couple of steps back.

"you can do whatever you want, just don't level the circle." After giving simple instructions, Aizawa waited for Bakugo to throw the ball

Preparing himself to throw the ball, Bakugo did those wacky poses and then swung his arm with all his might, screaming

"Just go ahead and die!" Creating a massive blast that propelled the softball to ridiculous distances, commentating on the spectacle Aizawa said

"Knowing your limits is the first step to becoming a hero, understand your foundation and build upon it" He turned around his phone which showed Bakugo's score

"750 meters? that's insane!" Kaminari said, and I'd have to agree even with my [enhanced physique] I could only get around 200~300 meters, and using [beelzbub] is just stupid

"you have three years to become a hero, don't slack off just because it looks fun, but just for your entertainment let's add a little challenge, whoever scores last in this test, will be expelled with no questions asked," Aizawa said to us with a sinister grin, causing most of the other students to complain out loud, Midoriya standing to the side could be seen with dispair in his eyes.

"Welcome to the UA hero course, let's begin the test"

The first test was the 50-meter dash. Most of the results were the same as in the show, with Iida dominating with speed followed by Asui and Bakugo, my result was actually quite high, but it was mostly due to the other students not having quirks that directly increased speed.

The next test was grip strength, with Shoji, Ojiro, and Momo coming at the top closely followed by Me, Bakugo, Tokoyami, and Kirishima

most of the other tests went exactly the same, with me being almost always close to the top, but the next test was the softball

Touching the softball and making it float, Uraraka sent it straight to space, getting "infinity" as her score, the next participant to go was Midoriya.


This is bad... if I don't get a high score on at least one of the tests, ill be expelled, Midoriya thought to himself with clear anxiety written on his face. Holding one of the softballs Midoriya prepared to throw it with 100% one for all, swinging his arm with his cheeks clenched he said in his hard "SMASH!". but instead of a boom, the softball was thrown 40 meters landing pitifully.

"huh?" didn't I just use one for all? what happened?

"you are probably wondering why your quirk never activated. I temporarily erased your quirk, if you think you can cripple yourself so you can get a high score how do you think you will fight villains? using one attack and then going out of commission?" Aizawa ruthlessly ridiculed him, his eyes glowing in a red hue

"erased my quirk...? you must be 'eraser head', the underground hero!?"

"oh ho, to think someone will recognize me. But this won't make me change my mind, you either stop crippling yourself when using your quirk or you can consider yourself expelled"... stop crippling myself? but I just got one for all, I can barely control it. wait...

Getting an idea Midoriya takes the softball and prepares to throw it, but instead of using one for all with his whole arm, he uses it only on his finger, blasting the softball under the surprised gazes of the students

"750.6, Not bad" Aizawa comments after looking at the score, his smile was clearly shown

"Midoriya, go to the infirmary and get your finger healed."


"Alright, Rimuru you're next." Aizawa called out, his voice slightly more annoyed as when Midoriya tried to leave Bakugo leaped on him trying to attack.

"Good luck Rimuru." Tokoyami said to me with his thumbs up, it truly is the power of friendship that mends all~

picking up the softball I looked toward the horizon where I would be throwing it, but before I could even prepare I was interrupted by Aizawa

"Rimuru, although you're a strong kid, you still haven't used your quirk." the other students were surprised by this revelation, as they assumed I had a strength enchantment quirk.

"even if your quirk is destructive and dangerous, remember that not using it is like abandoning your power... any go ahead" Knowing already that I'm disabling myself by not using my quirk, but I have no other choice as I'll need superb control to enhance instead of destroy with [beezbub]

Preparing myself to throw the ball, I got ready to use 100% of [Enchanced physique] even when weakened it's still a powerful skill... but then a sudden idea struck my mind, but before I could think about it more, I swung my arm will all my strength, seeing the ball hurdling towards the clouds, I surpassed my one expectation

"huh, interesting... 436.3, I was told your quirk is an emission type" Aizawa muttered to himself seeing the ridiculous sight in front of him

Returning to the group I saw Tokoyami with his eyes wide in surprise

"Honestly, it's surprising how strong you are without even using your quirk"

"It's true one might think your quirk is strength enchantment if it weren't for Aizawa telling us" Iida added looking at me with a stiff pose

"Well, I guess it's time I reveal the results of the test... oh right, about that expulsion. I was actually lying" With almost all the tension gone from the students, they could help but get annoyed at him

[Quirk assessment test results: 

1. Momo Yaoyorozu

2. Shoto Todoroki

3. Katsuki Bakugo

4. Rimuru Tempest

5. Tenya Iida

6. Fumikage Tokoyami

7. Mezo Shoji

8. Mashirao Ojiro

9. Eijiro Kirishima

10. Mina Ashido

11. Ochaco Uraraka

12. Koji Koda

13. Rikido Sato 

14. Tsuyu Asui

15. Yuga Aoyama

16. Hanata Sero

17. Denki Kaminari

18. Kyoka Jiro

19. Toru Hagakure

20. Izuku Midoriya ]

(I'll probably use this list to remember some of the character's names. Japanese names are hard :C)

"All right now go back to class and... I don't know study... now let me go take a nap" Aizawa headed towards the teacher's faculty office, meeting All Might on the way

We, on the other hand, returned to class and continued studying surprise surprise normal school subjects, like English (taught by Present Mic), mathematics (taught by ectoplasm), and even modern arts (taught by Midnight) 

After a day of boring as-hell classes finally, came my long-awaited subject "Basics of Heroics" Taught by All Might

(oopsie cliffhanger, unfortunately, you'd have to wait until I write the next chapter :tease:)