The Hosu Incident (robbery)

I woke up with a groan, my arms and legs felt like stones yesterday's training worked my muscles to their limits. All in all, this makes 5 stiff limbs in the morning. 

I got freshened up and turned on my phone, the Hosu incident happened in the evening which means I have around 6 hours to do nothing, gazing back at my phone

[Jiro: RimuruSpinning.gif]


[*New contact* Edgeshot: There's no work studies today, I hope you remember :ThumbsUp:]

[Rimuru_Tempest445: Neko-Might.JPG]

Chuckling a bit I went back to bed and thought of what to do. after all, I have hours to waste before anything interesting happens. thinking back I don't actually know what I like to do... most of the time I would play video games with Tokoyami but now that he's in work studies I have literally nothing to...

"Dammit I've gotten a second chance, might as well try stuff" I stood back up and put on some casual clothes. A black tee and dark blue pants would have to do. 

After joining my family for breakfast and exiting my house I felt the gentle breeze of the wind I began to make my way through the streets. I knew of a few places strewn around in the city like manga cafes, karaoke, malls, illegal fighting rin- ahem, and art/mechanical studios. Just for a small price, you could create your own support items from scratch.

In my journey to search for a hobby, I began at the manga cafe, entering the place I was greeted by a huge collection of shelves, the cashier at the entrance noticed me

"Hey! Are you looking for a specific manga or book? would you like to rent a private booth?" The cashier greeted joyfully, his glasses shined like those anime characters

"Nah, I'll search by myself. Thanks" I waved him off and began looking at the section labels. As expected the books were sorted by genre, I gazed at the 'h*ntai' section before deciding to start in the 'mystery' genre. After blindly picking up a book I sat down and began reading, the calm atmosphere helped me relax.

"Psst, psst lady" a strange voice whispered close to me, I grumbled to myself before turning around. 'huh where?' I continued to look left and right before my eyes strayed down locking eyes with a purple-headed midget.

"What do you want?" I asked, looking at his arms I couldn't help but notice the book taken straight from the 'h*ntai' section with its obvious book cover.

"Nice to meet you, m'lady, my name is Mineta Minro-"

"Ew" I interrupted the background character, I stood up in a hurry and tried to leave.

"Wait listen to what I have to say first!" Mineta tried to follow me but I shut the cafe's door in his face, breathing a sigh of relief I forcefully erased his existence from my memory. An extra should stay an extra... I hope Bakugo doesn't quote me...


Inside a calm bar, two figures were having a conversation. One was a rough middle-aged man, in his mouth hung a cigar in his hands was a folder

"Tomura Shigaraki, I believe this information would interest you" The rough man pulled out a piece of paper from the folder, on it a bunch of random information was written but a photo was hanging onto the paper with a paperclip.

"Hero killer? why should we recruit him? he's weak! Even that blue boy could defeat him with ease!" Tomura shouted in annoyance, his look was much different than when the USJ incident happened. His shoulder was still bandaged but the hands were no longer covering him everywhere showing off his crimson-red eyes.

"It's not about power but publicity!" The man named Kagero Okuta didn't relent

"Think what the heroes will think? Hero killer, the man who crippled Ingenium joined the League of Villains!" He spread his hands in a showman-like fashion

"Just like dominos a cascade will occur, Many more villains will want to join the League and you'll gain many times more manpower for a fraction of the work!" Okuta chuckled as he saw Tomura's expression change

"Don't worry I already contacted Hero Killer, he agreed to meet" he interlocked his fingers as his grin widened. a puff of smoke covered Tomura's expression

"You seem to have planned ahead... Kurogiri bring this 'Hero Killer' in here" Tomura stood up with a slight limp he seemed to be tamer than before

"Right away young master" Kurogiri immediately stopped what he was doing and obeyed, his form disappeared for a moment before winding. from the warp gate, a hunched figure slowly emerged. He was dressed like a Shinobi but his outfit seemed much rougher with cuts and stitches everywhere, on every nook of his outfit was a knife or sword some were chipped while some were already shattered.

"You're this so-called League of Villain's boss?" The Hero Killer asked, his mask hiding his eyes as they observed the bar

"Keke The one and only" Tomura's demeanor suddenly changed as he spread his hands while staring at Hero Killer menacingly, his crimson eyes coupled with a disgusting grin made him look terrifying.

"You're just a kid, you think you can change society?" Hero Killer's eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at Tomura

"What makes you think I can't?" Tomura's voice suddenly lowered, leaned into Hero Killer gazing into his eyes. His presence took a shift making chills run down Otuka's spine

"Those eyes, they're empty. You don't have a drive do you?" Hero Killer wasn't disturbed by Tomura. He continued to observe him

"Drive?" This time Tomura was genuinely confused, but before he could react he was pinned to the floor by Hero Killer, a knife stuck to his other shoulder.

"You don't have a motive, no end goal... what is it you hate? what makes you do the things you do? I don't work with aimless villains" Hero Killer growled above the struggling Tomura. but before he could continue his monologue Tomura grabbed the knife embedded into his shoulder, making it crumble away.

"I hate... I hate the heroes... I want to destroy the symbol of peace... I want to destroy everything" Tomura's blood-red eyes gazed into Hero Killer's making a chill run down his spine

He slowly stood up and turned towards the still-open portal

"What do you want me to do...?" He asked mid-stride

"Just do as you always, in Hosu. we'll bring chaos to you" Tomura grinned wildly as he wiped the blood away


"tsk this won't work" I looked at the canvas, the painting looked as if a toddler had drawn it. a heavy stroke hit the surface coloring it cyan in an arc.

Taking a step back I looked at the whole picture, a rough stick figure was drawn with messy cyan hair, and the eyes were a discolored red that mixed with the black ruining the shape

"Art isn't for me" I sighed as I put the pallet down, rinsing the brush I exited the studio with a gloomy expression, looking at the corridor I found a room labeled "Mechanical & Technological Studio". Twisting the knob I was assaulted with a loud noise, heat hit me in the face as I tried to open my eyes

The room was much bigger than the art studio, and the atmosphere was the complete opposite. Heavy machinery littered the room as multiple people were busy working. One was spraying plasma at a metal sheet as he bent it, and another was soldering a chipboard but was using too much soldering metal.

Looking around I found an empty workstation, sitting at the seat in front of the desk I began thinking.

'Is there anything I wanted to make?' I began thinking of things I wanted, a robot to bring me soda? an automatic phone reply generator? A very long stick?

I was suddenly hit with an idea I always wanted to make, ever since I got my powers I wanted a way to compress my smoke without actively controlling it. while releasing the smoke was easy controlling it was 4x as tiring.

'Raphael-san could you help me with this' I asked my ever-useful helper as I don't have much experience with arts&crafts

[Generating... Limited computation power...]

[Here's a simple design, it shouldn't be hard to not mess this up]

Feeling a tingle in my scalp I felt a design get stitched into my mind, feeling a little fuzzy I understood how the simple mechanism worked.

grabbing pipes, a mini air compressor, valves, and a few spouts I began assembling. connecting the mechanisms I tried to glue it flush and to make easy access to the electrical parts.

Turning to one of the machines I took a breath and picked up a sheet of metal, putting on a welding mask I began to weld the sheet metal to the mechanism, making a rough glove-like metal gauntlet.

[A/N: I'll add an image If I'm not lazy]

"That should do it..." I put on the gauntlet snugly, putting in the batteries the air compression spun to life, turning on the valve I emitted some smoke, In an instant It was shot out of my finger at amazing speeds flying to the other side of the workshop.

"That worked better than expected" I turned off the mechanism and pulled off the gauntlet, while it wasn't very comfortable It worked and that's all that matters

Pulling out my phone I noticed that soon the Hosu incident would begin, in a hurry I tried to put down the gauntlet and leave

"You can keep the things you make, you paid to enter after all," one of the people in the studio said while working on what seemed like a sensor... I think?

"Thanks..." New weapon acquired!


On one of the many rooftops in Hosu city one of the chimney's smoke suddenly twisted.

"*cough**cough**cough* That was stupid" A young teen was on his knees while coughing his lungs out, he was wearing thick pants with padding, and his black tee was now covered by a leather coat with metal sheet plates welded on the inside in a hexagonal pattern.

"good thing I had an extra hour to upgrade my defenses" Unfortunately I can't wear my Hero costume because it trackers on it, damn rat...

'Can't have anyone know I was here' Pulling out from my coat was a mask made from carbon polymer as there weren't any kevlar or nanocarbon in the studio. Its design looked like a plague doctor got hit in the face with a pan

I tied my hair into a half bun half ponytail and hid it with a balaclava

'So Raphael, if I get you some 'samples' could you replicate their powers?'

[Yes, but as usual it would most likely take longer to analyze, in addition, we have to consider compatibility. you arent a slime anymore but a fleshy human]

'yeah yeah mom' I rolled my eyes as I put on the mask


On the other side of Hosu City the air around one of the water towers suddenly twisted, and a black mist emerged and expanded in size

Just like a doorway the mist made way for a figure to emerge out of it, Tomura stood looking at the horizon of the city.

Scratching his neck with a devious smile he ordered Kurogiri before pulling out binoculars 

"Keke, let's see how you deal with these Nomus heroes! kehahahahaha!" He began maniacally laughing

"Ahem.. Tomura, we seem to have delays with our plans" Kurogiri manifested next to Tomura

"What?" removing his eyes from the binoculars Tomura stared at Kurogiri

"The doctor is doing final checkups on one of the Nomus, it seemed to have caught a cold"



A/N: CliffKun strikes again! It appears ill have to split this into multiple parts... again... lets hope its not UA sports festival all over again...